Honeybee Health Q&A Round 2

I know it’s been a minute since I’ve shared a Honeybee Health post but I promise I’m ON IT for you girls! I got a lot of questions in my recent IGS storybox about health and fitness so I figured I’d answer them all in one post. If you girls missed it, I also did another Honeybee Health Fitness Q&A a couple of years ago that answers a lot of the questions I saw. I also have a bunch of activewear shopping finds on the blog HERE and you can always see the fitness/activewear I’m currently in over on LTK.

Alright, let’s get into your questions!

Q: How do you stay consistently motivated?

A: Honestly with what I do for work (taking photos several times a week) always keeps me motivated. I want to feel good and I know when I work out (even on the days I’m dreading it), I always feel better. Throw in the fact that I’m in my mid thirties now and my metabolism slowing down definitely makes me work a bit harder to stay on track these days.

Q: How often do you have wine (or alcohol)?

A: A little REAL TALK shall we?! Honestly probably more than I should. I’ve mentioned this before on stories but feel like the beverage indulging is a lot more than I used to. I would say I’m having a glass (or two;) of wine 3-4 nights a week right now but am “attempting” to scale back. I don’t know if it’s a habit developed during quarantine that’s carrying over, the age of the kids now or just being too social at this stage in life, but there just always seems to be a reason to have a glass. I’m currently struggle with the balance of scale back and treat yo’self.

Q: What do you do to work out? And how do you find the time??

A: Now I will say when I work out, I go ALL in! I LOVE an intense workout. I’m the annoying girl in class who’s jogging during the cool down and starting early on the runs. When I carve out an hour of me time to workout, I take full advantage and want to be sweaty and exhausted when I leave. I love HIIT, Cardio, and my new addiction is pilates. I don’t leave pilates drenched but can say after working out consistently for the last 20 years of my life, pilates is a workout that really challenges my body. It slow paced but the burn is gooood!

As far as finding the time, it’s pretty easy as this stage because my kids are in school full time. I always try to go for an hour while they’re in school most days a week. When the kids were little I would just sneak in quick sessions whenever I could. I did living room workouts and would take the monitor in the garage with me and do what I could on the treadmill when they went down for a nap. As they got older it was easier to get away for longer periods of time and then I found a gym with a great kids club. It’s all about doing what you can, when you can.

Q: How do you stay motivated with food and give up bad foods?

A: Living in SoCal it feels easy to stay motivated because the majority of people here are all pretty health conscious. Everyone’s outdoors and active. As for the bad foods, that was a habit I kicked years ago so the eating has never been hard for me. I love ordering healthy and don’t really ever feel like I’m missing out. Now if I crave pizza or a hamburger, I still indulge every so often. My vices are usually sweets and adult beverages so I try to pick and choose.

Q: How do you keep your hair looking fresh after workouts? Mine never bounces back.

A: Ha! I don’t. When I work out I want to be sweaty when I leave so most days of the week my hair is a hot mess. I do my best to time my workouts around my hair wash days but it never fully pans out. Low buns, high ponytails and never ending amounts of dry shampoo get me through the week.

Q: Do you try not to eat past a certain time?

A: I do but honestly the hubby and I stay up so late that I do tend to get hungry before bed. We do dinner with the fam around 6:30 and we don’t go to bed until 11:00 so I try my best not to eat before bed. Sometimes I have a sparkling water to curb the craving andddd sometimes I end up eating popcorn and M&M’s at 10pm ;). I feel like it all balances it out in the end.

Q: How many days a week do you work out?

A: I finally started kicking up my workouts again and have been going 4-5 times a week and feeling good! Now two of those are less intense days (pilates) but it feels good to be pushing my body most days of the week (esp with all the wine indulging).

Q: Do you mostly do cardio/HIIT or strength training too?

A: HIIT is my favorite. I’ve been jumping around from gym to gym lately trying to find the classes I like. Sadly my favorite HIIT place closed down during the pandemic. Ideally I like to do HIIT twice a week, Pilates twice a week and the fifth workout either pickle ball, running stairs or on my DREADmill at home.

Q: Do you own a treadmill? If so, which one?

A: I always get asked this and it’s literally SO OLD. I shared it on my HOME GYM POST along with similar ones.

Q: Do you intermittent fast? Thoughts on that?

A: That’s a good question. I’ve never intentionally done it but I think I may? Most days I don’t usually eat after 8pm (minus the sparkling flavored water) and I’m not big breakfast person so I pretty much wake up and only have coffee until about 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. most days. So maybe that is intermitting fasting? My coffee does have creamer and agave in it so I’m not 100% sure. Honestly I’ve never really looked into. I am sure it is probably beneficial for your body. My motto for health and fitness is making small realistic changes that you can incorporate into your lifestyle CONSISTENTLY every day. Consistency and discipline is key! If this feels like something you can easily do everyday then go for it! It’s the cleanses and unrealistic fad diets that I don’t ever see giving you lasting results for the long haul.

Q: Best workout shoes?

A: THIS PAIR , THIS PAIR and THIS PAIR are my current favorites.

Q: Are you naturally thin?

A: I answered that question in my first Honeybee Health Fitness Q&A. Be sure to check out that post to see other questions you all left last year.

I hope this was helpful and feel free to drop any other questions in the comments and I’ll try to answer them!

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  1. Would love to know your choice of coffee creamer if you dont mind shariNg? Looking for a healthier option. Thanks!

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