It’s been a minute since I’ve done one of these kinds of posts but Ava turning 10 feels like big mile stone for us. There’s something about those double digits that make you stop in think…. “where the heck did the time go”?

If you’ve been following along with us over the last 12 years (omg! who would have thought I would have been blogging this long?), you may remember this very first flower crown photoshoot we did for Ava’s first birthday. I never intended on turning it into a “through the years” mini series but, I have to say, I am so glad I did. I was literally in tears when I got these photos back because they are just SO special to look back on how much she’s grown. We took these pictures in the same spot and the same outfits (obviously had to change Ava’s as she grew). We took them on her first, fifth, and tenth birthday and know I will cherish these pictures forever.

This age is a hard one because I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that she’s not a baby girl anymore. Everyday I catch glimpses of her and see less and less of that yummy, squishy little babe, and more of beautiful little lady in the making. I’ll be honest, this stage has been of a difficult one. It’s the stage of having to let go a little bit more (even when you’re not ready). It’s the stage where you start to see them wanting to hang with their friends more than you (don’t mind me while I ugly cry ;). They test you on all things they watch, wear, say, and do, and you realize the worrisome teenage years you felt were forever away, now just don’t really seem that far away anymore.
Even with all the worry, this journey of motherhood has truly been the biggest joy and best chapter of my life. I’m so proud of Ava! She’s funny, smart, kind, caring and most importantly, a beautiful sole inside and out. I look at her and know we are already best friends. There’s just something about that mother/daughter bond that is so unique and I AM so lucky to be her mama.
I won’t turn this into a four page letter, but I just wanted to share these sweet pics with you guys and say a quick thank you to our HBFAM! I feel like so many of you first found my blog when I was pregnant with Ava and have been along on this journey with us. You guys have always shown so much love so if you’re reading this today, I wanted to say we appreciate you all!
Okay now off to plan miss Ava’s 10th bday party this weekend!