Summer Bucket List for the Whole Fam

We’re back from Hawaii and our big summer trip but summertime is definitely far from over! The kids and us still have a whole summer bucket list we want to keep crossing off and while we might not get to everything on the list, I thought it’d be fun to share some of our ideas- and some other ideas that came to mind!

The kids are at such a fun age- hubby and I keep saying this is definitely our favorite yet. They’re more independent and can hang for more activities…and they still want to hang for us (for now!). Trying to take advantage of this stage while we can!

I know you mamas probably have a lot of other ideas to add, whether it’s something new you’re hoping to do or something fun you’ve done in the past, so please add to the list in the comments section!

Summer Bucket List for the Whole Fam

Movie Night Outside: We’ve done this the past couple of summers and it’s always a hit. While the kids love doing it with their friends and inviting a crew over, it’s also sweet as an immediate family.

Go on a road trip: Our road trip to Tahoe and Yosemite last year was one for the books and we’re thinking of planning something shorter for later this year. We’ll see if it happens but I honestly really enjoyed the road trip and switching things up last year!

Homemade popsicles: We always make homemade popsicles this time of year and it’s a good way to sneak in some fruits (and less sugar than most store-bought options)- this recipe looks good. I did share our fave store-bought popsicles in this post though!

Beach Clean Up or Volunteer: The kids love the beach so I thought it would be cool to sign the fam up for a beach clean up or something that had to do with volunteering and giving back. LMK if you local mamas know of anything! I’ve also heard of families doing a neighborhood cleanup where you head to local parks or even just your hood which is easy.

Make a summer playlist: We usually end the day and weekends with some sort of dance party so the kids thought it would be fun to make a family summer playlist, which is cute! This karaoke machine is used non stop over here!

Lemonade Stand: I usually save this idea for later in the summer when the kids are bored and over every other activity. I mean, is there anything sweeter?? The kids keep begging me to up the stand game with this snow cone machine.

Spend the day at the lake: We go to the beach a lot but don’t spend too much time at the lake, so we’re hoping to squeeze this in!

Baseball game: Honestly we don’t attend too many sports games but now that the kids are both into sports and playing themselves, you can’t beat a summer baseball game and treats.

Make S’mores: When we planned out our backyard before moving in, I envisioned the fireplace outside to be somewhere we could all hangout for every season, and you better believe I had summer s’mores on the mind!

Go camping: Whether glamping or in a tent, camping will forever remind me of summer.

Decorate the driveway with chalk: Easy, cheap and keeps the kids entertained for a while. We did a lot of this over Quarantine and the kids loved it!

p.s. lots more at-home ideas for the kiddos here!

Mama’s feel free to drop your fun Summer time activities here!

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