Lace Up Booties

As mentioned in a previous post Lace front boots are huge for Fall! Here are some of my favorite styles and a super affordable pair I purchased….

I am still in shock that these lace up boots were $25.80 at forever21!!!!!! The heel is killer and Im obsessed with them!

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  1. those look so hot & can't believe its so cheap. can't wait to see what you wear them with. i been looking for lace up booties too but with a lower heel.

  2. omg those are amazing shoes!! i've never purchased F21 shoes-are they comfortable? or are they "only wear to dinner because i can't stand/walk in them for more than 20mins" kind of shoes? lol

  3. Forever 21 is insane! Super cute!

    I didn't know you were going back to school for health and nutrition – been rethinking career and stuff lately (good thing husband works so we can afford for me to explore!)

  4. thank you ladies! I seriously cant believe i got these at F21!!!! I was in shock when I saw them on the shelf! They look so much like the Fendi pair! Yes they are wearable! The heel is crazy high but they are platform so they dont kill your feet. I wore them this wkend and will do the outfit post soon! xoox

  5. Forever 21 has them again!!! I'm so excited. Do they run true to size?? i'm normally anywhere between an 8-9 depending on the brand. So i'm unsure which one to get, an 8 or a 9

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