Inspiration Gray nails

I love this picture!!! The gray nails and layered jewelry are amazing! Especially that black stone ring!

The next polish on my list…..”You dont know Jacques…Matte”

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  1. her color is probably Chanel nail polish but the one i posted underneath will look extremely similar for around $7. (just get in the "you dont know jacques" normal polish not the matte if you want it to look like the models.

  2. I love it! I have been wearing this shade for a month or two. Getting a mani next week and requesting this color. Just wondering if it is sexy enough. I'm going away for a trip with a man. What do you think?

  3. besswess where are you going? I love this color! I wore a lighter version by Essie last month and received a ton of compliments on it. When I travel and will be gone longer than a week I usually wear " tickle my francey" by OPI. Its a neutral color that is close to my skin tone. It looks so pretty and the best part when it chips you cant really notice..great for travel. If we are going to a beach location I always like to spice up the color a little bit (reds, mango, coral something fun)

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