Dita Sunglasses

DITA sunglasses are hands down my favorite sunglasses! I own four pair! The styles are so unique and they’re also unisex! When I get tired of a pair then they get passed to the hubby! You’ve probably seen these shade on Kanye West, Audrina Patridge, Brad Pitt, and the Kardashians.

I saw this pitcure of Kim Kardashian in a pair of shades that i loved!!!! It took me forever to find out who made them. I should have known they were a new style by DITA! I contemplated purchasing the shades because they are $375!! ahhh! In the end I caved in! Sunglasses are an investment i think worth making. I wear them everyday.

Here is a pic of me in my Dita “insider” shades! If you like these shades you can purchase them at www.dita.com

I know they are pretty pricey so here are a pair of Ray Ban’s that are more affordable and a similar look

These “wayfarer square” Ray bans are only $139 available at www.ray-ban.com

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  1. Giiirrrlll I know! I have been trying to get the Wonderlust shades in all black forever! They are no longer making them. Uggghh! Anyway, I am also in love with my Barton Perreiras Mmmm Hmmmm – they make me feel like a 70s superstar! lol Love those glasses on you doll! muah!

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