Weekend Recap

Hope you ladies had a fabulous weekend! We had a great one because family is visiting…yeah!!! The hubby and I got to go out on a date night which was so needed! We saw the new Bourne movie and I loved it. Although my review may be biased because I am a sucker for all the Bourne movies!

Hanging with Memaw in Laguna
It was definitely a Sprinkles kind of weekend! We always tend to indulge more when we have company in town! Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cupcake is hands down my FAV!
A big thank you to miss Jennifer Belle for sending me some of her goodies! Was so excited to try them out! You can follow her makeup blog here Jennifer Belle for all kinds of makeup and beauty tips!
Here I’m wearing Jennifer Belle Eyelet eye highlight shadow, her bronzer and lip gloss in Glisten. 

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  1. Looks like a fabulous weekend!! Loving that eye highlight shadow and the rest of the makeup – a fresh, glowing look!

    Happy Monday, Andee! Wishing you a fabulous week ahead.

  2. Having Mom around is the best!!!! You look so pretty and that makeup looks great. Is that gloss the same as the one you are wearing in the first pic. Do you use liner under gloss? I always find that my gloss travels so I stick to lipsticks.

    1. It was so nice having my mom in town ;( So wish we lived closer! Yes that is the same gloss I am weaing in the first pic and i also used Mac Whirl lip liner with it.

  3. Andee, how do u stay so disciplined as far as your eating goes?? Of course u indulge once in a while like the cupcakes but what do you snack on throught the day??

  4. You're so fabulous!! Andee I was wondering since I am a Mommy of a baby about the same age if maybe you could do a post on outfits for us Moms? Like just when your hanging out at home with Ava or running some errands with her. As a new Mommy too, I am struggling so badly on what to wear. I don't like wearing my super nice stuff as babys drool and such gets all over but hate wearing just jeans and a tank everyday. Any tips sweetie? xoxox!!!

  5. Oh my gosh you are SOOOOO sweet to put this on your blog!!!!! Looks gorgeous on you, but that is no surprise! Thank you, thank you, so very sweet of you…and if you want anything else, please let me know and I will send! Thanks again love!!! xoxo

  6. those cupckaes look to die for! and your makeup is just gorgeous! i realized this weekend that you look just like nora on true blood this season!

  7. Love your photos! Your new makeup looks fab on you. When you take Ava out to eat (like in the first photo) do you take her seat with you or does she enjoy sitting on someone's lap?

    1. well things are always changing with taking her out to eat now. Some restaurants allow strollers so if they do we just bring that to the table. Sometimes she will just chill and other times you have to entertain her. If they don't allow strollers we bring her car seat and prop it up on one of those high chairs the restaurants have.

    2. Careful with the high chairs! I used to do this too, until one day one of my mommy friends pointed out to me that restraunt high chairs actually have warning stickers on them that tell us to not turn them over and place infant car seats on top. It's so easy for someone to bump into them and knock the car seat over. Don't mean to sound preachy, just wanted to make sure you knew so that sweet Ava is safe 🙂

  8. Loos like you had a fun weekend! It's always so nice to have our moms' to help with the lite ones. I wanted to ask how you like your hair? Did you decide not to go lighter? It still looks rich and healthy!

  9. Hi,
    I'm Rue. I'm 20 years old and I love your blog. Only because it provides some sort of a guideline on how to eat well, usually i'm on my own so it helps a lot…I was wondering if you can do a post on some of the rules you follow as a disciplined eater. I would really really appreciate it! Thank you. ;o)

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