Weekend Love

Summer is coming to close and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend it! Nothing like a bonfire at the beach with close friends, your babies, one beautiful sunset, lots of laughs and gooey s’mores! The simple things in life are ALWAYS the best! 
Feel so blessed to live in such a great place and see these views daily!
And definitely blessed that these sandy little toes are all mine!
Finally got the babe to sleep in public (Just had to double feed her but hey it worked! lol)
Hope you ladies had a LOVELY weekend as well! Now BRING ON Fall!!!!

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  1. Can you please, please, please and pretty please do the post about your skin care and makeup? I am literally dying to find out what you use. Your makeup always looks natural and flawless.

  2. That looks like heaven on earth! You are so so lucky to live there. We spent a few days in CA on our way back from our honeymoon and I didn't want to ever leave. Most beautiful place!

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