Valentine Shots

Just a few random shots from Vday…

Loving the simple little things in life…its amazing how a little coffee art can put a smile on your face 🙂

My Sleeping Beauties XO

PPPPretty vday flowers from the hubs!

Headed out on our last fancy schmancy date night for awhile! (34 weeks pregnant wearing a dress from local boutique, cropped vegan leather jacket by Lauren Conrad, and Miu Miu leopard platforms)

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    1. thanks love! I'm still rocking my wide legs while prego 😉 I have some wide leg hudson maternity pants I've been trying to get as much use as i can for the next few weeks!

  1. Hi Andee,
    I've just found your blog and have been addicted to it for the past 2-3 days and this is my first time leaving a comment! I'm excited to see where your blog goes further and good luck with your baby girl 🙂 much love xx

  2. Holy moses! My OB would kill me if she saw me in those heels.. not that I wasn't wearing my own skyscrapers on Valentine's, I just kept the evidence tucked safely away. Way to look AWESOME at 34 weeks sister!

  3. All the pics are great!!!! You look foxy!!! Your baby girl is going to be one lucky baby. Heads up, Gapkids is coming out with DVF collection kids and babies on March 15. You might already know but thought I would share with you. Shopping for girls is so much fun but gets expensive because there is too many adorable things for them.:)

  4. Lovely outfit Andee, you look terrific!!

    And I love the sleeping photos.. it definitely is the little things in life that make us so happy. They both look so peaceful and relaxed!

    -Josie, 8bitgrayscale
    Please check out my giveaway here!

  5. Just stumbled across your blog and am hooked. You have some beautiful photos and your dog Louie is the most adorable Frenchie. They are my dream dog. And not to mention that you look fabulous. xx

  6. I got your blog recommended to me by a reader of my blog and I'm a fan!! I just clicked through a few pages and already, I'm drooling over your crazy shoe and bag collection!! We have many of the same bags (bottega, balenciaga, rebecca minkoff) and I was this close to getting that grey alexander wang last year. It looks great on you! Anyway, congrats on the pregnancy…you are so stunning prego! Not fair! I have 2 girls and my oldest daughter was also baby A!


  7. you look so freakin amazing in that red dress!! your hubs seems to have some fantastic taste in the flowers and such that he gives you for holidays! i've enjoyed seeing your pregnancy journey, i can't believe how fast time has flown by!! i'm sure you feel the same. just wait till your little angel arrives- soak up every moment with her! i already feel like my 1.5 yr old Vivian is going on 13- they grow up waaayyy too fast.

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