Summer Cravings Continued…

Some of the many effortless pieces i’m craving for Summer. I’m definitely gravitating towards more pieces I can wear flats with…

**Click on the set for more details

Also just added a couple links on my Honeybee Facebook page worth checking out. Great short list on which foods worth purchasing organic!

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  1. love your craving choices…i am with you on the flats, i cant be bothered to wear heels in the summer sun…The earrings are my favorite pick!

  2. wow such a great combination!!love the inspiration for this summer!!:)
    I'm a new follower lady..if u like my blog follow back!:)i'd be happy..kiss from Milan!

    Patchwork à Porter

  3. @pretty in pink isnt such a great one!? i love it! @xxpinkx right? i have been over heels lately which is usually what i live in! @Katrin im super jealous have so much fun! @Bud and Leo i am heavily debating those earrings! so gorgeous and havent seen anything like it!

  4. I am having BRUTAL withdrawls for summer clothing! My problem is I can't have it all! So glad you found my blog- yours is awesome! Definitely following 🙂

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