St. Tropez for the Day

Ok my final France post! On our last day we decided to head to St. Tropez to dominate the beach and relax! It was not like I had pictured but was fabulous to say the least! We spent the day drinking Rose and lounging on our beach chairs at Le Club 55.

My husband was in heaven, they served warm doughnuts on the beach!!! (Hes making a very serious decision haha chocolate or apple filling?!)

We had a late lunch at the beautiful restaurant at Le Club 55! The sangria was AMAZING!!

This was definitely a trip of a lifetime and St. Tropez was the perfect way to end our trip! Hope you girls enjoyed the pics! xo

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  1. this looks so divine! i love the doughnuts on the beach idea haha.

    i loved all of the pics from your vacay, it looks so incredible and relaxing! who makes the bikini bottoms that you're wearing? LOVE them! xx

  2. thanks so much girls! its was a trip of a lifetime! @Venice I used to work out 4 to 5 days a week but now only work out 3 days a week. I do eat really well about 85 % of the time though and i think that has a lot to do with it. @Cheryl thanks love they are by MIKOH and i got them from a few months ago. I think i did a post on them under "Andee's picks" but im sure you can find them online at several stores. xo

  3. You and your husband are such an adorable couple.

    Love following your blog for style inspiration as well!

    xo gracie

  4. Oh my gosh, how fabulous! Just when I thought a beach couldn't get any better-they serve freaking doughnuts on it?!? I die. lol. That really is Heaven on Earth, what a spectacular trip!

  5. @labelsnob my cover up is from Target and it was like $19.99!! I just had it shortened a little bit! @Andi i know i was cracking up…who serves doughnuts on the beach …amazing! 😉

  6. Hi Andee, love your blog, I was wondering if on your next Honeybee Health Post you can share what a typical workout looks like for you. I can't believe you only work out 3 days a week that's amazing! Is there a particular reason why you cut back on your work outs?

  7. Wow warm doughnuts!!!! That is amazing! 🙂 Both of you look absolutely fab in these pictures! BTW, how in the world did you get your manicure to last that long?? I've been resorting to shellacs these days when I go on holiday and the shellac colors are not that unique. Also, do you have a tip on how much water to drink?

  8. @anonymous thanks for the request and i WILL be doing a honeybee health post soon with work out details! @SS Thanks love whenever i am going on vacation for more than a week i ALWAYS stick to a nude polish. I do it the night before i leave and am usually in desperate need of a polish change when i get back! Nude colors are so much less noticeable when they chip. @Justanothershopaholic thank you i bought the top from a boutique here in OC (have to look up the brand) and the bottoms are by MIKOH you can purchase them online. I know carries them xo

  9. For you to be sitting down and still have a flat tummy just shows how little fat you have!!! Hahaha enjoyed the post Andee! Looks like so much fun!

  10. Doughnuts on the beach wohoo thats's cool! You look fabulous! Can't wait to check out your health workout routine. I loved all the pics from your vacation such a beautiful place. Xo

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