Sequin Jacket

There’s nothing like a sequin jacket to make it feel like the holidays! Even if it is still in the 70’s here ugh! Here’s a look from this weekend heading out for night on the town….

(Urban Outfitter sequin jacket, Susana Monaco top, J brand jeggings, Report Signature OTK boots, and All Saints box clutch)

(and 24 weeks Pregnant!)

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  1. Love the outfit and love the clutch!! Did you get that clutch recently? Been hunting for a simple clutch like that and cant seem to find in on All Saints page.

  2. Andee, you are one of the most gorgeous of women that I have ever seen. Haha really you are beautiful. And so down to earth. I love this sequin jacket on you. You give the best style advice!

  3. thank you girls so much! xoxo @Delaney that is so nice love thank youxo
    Its amazing how wearing all black can really conceal this bump….until i turn to the side haha!

  4. @Hilary if you scroll down to the bottom and click older posts…one page over you will find a post I did on Nov.15th titled "goodies…" the sequin jacket is on that set and if you click it, it will take you directly to where you can buy it.

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