My 10 Minute Hot Roller Hair Tutorial

What what?! A video today? 😉 You girls have been asking for so long so I’m excited to finalllly deliver my 10-minute hot roller hair tutorial! These rollers are my most used hair tool lately and are just so great for taming your hair and adding bounce when you don’t have a ton of time (Hello MOM life!). So here we go!

If you’ve been thinking about getting them, they’re on Promo SALE  now HERE!  As mentioned in the video I also recommend getting These White Clips that don’t tend to crease as much. I still use the black ones too because mine are worn in now but they are pretty tight at first and can often leave a crease.

I hope you enjoyed this video and let me know if you’re into them? Video is definitely a new venture for me so always LOVE your honest feedback! xo

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  1. Thank you so much for doing a video! I just purchased a set of the rollers. Do you put anything in your hair after to help hold the curl? Also do you use them every day or does your hair hold the curl for a couple of days?

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