More Steve Madden

Steve Madden can be hit or miss with me but lately I’ve been finding some great shoes there! I snagged these Platforms last week and love them. They are super comfy and love the gladiator style platform. (Although my husband is not a fan of them, funny how that always works out…you love it and your man hates it 😉

On a side note hope you ladies had a great Labor Day weekend! I just got back from visiting my family in Virginia and North Carolina and had the best time! There is nothing better than spending time with family!!

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  1. Dudes hate platforms. Period. Platforms and bangs actually…we dress for the ladies though right!? hahahah Love these kicks babe, great purchase and I'm sure super comfy! Stevie's been really upping their game lately!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  2. You have such great taste in shoes! I agree with your comment about how you'll die over a pair of shoes and your man will hate them, lol. That happens to me quite often and I just chalk it up to: "he doesn't get it!"

  3. love the shoes! Yea I hate it when that happens – there's this dress I happen to really like but my bf isn't a fan of it! Can't always please them! lol

  4. @angiepants I was in a really small marine corp. town called Jacksonville. (I was actually born there) but my brother lives there now so im there at least twice a year. Its close to Wilmington I believe.
    @Dhalia I love having fellow east coast girls! 😉 I was in northern virginia in Fairfax. My mom lives there and thats home to me! xo

  5. my hubby is usually a big fan of the way I dress, but when it comes to gladiators, he doesn't get it and thinks they are hideous. does it stop me, nah;-) keep up the cool style Andee!!

  6. Love the shoes !

    U've taught my dear mister to love my outfits (or just to be silent about hating them), but he really dislikes wedges and super-high heels.

    Come visit me at pug-a-licious and maybe we can follow each other 🙂

  7. yea my brother used to be stationed in jacksonville… he's a marine too. i used to go visit him allll the time. i hate that place lol. i live about an hr. and a half away. i hope you enjoyed your trip 🙂

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