Look of the Day (30 Weeks Pregnant)

Here’s what I wore to church and out running errands yesterday with the hubs….

All Saints Jacket, Liz Lange Maternity tank from Target (obsessed with her tanks and only $12.99!!!), Hudson wide leg maternity jeans (I broke down and purchased a pair from Ebay!! Couldn’t bring myself to spend $200 on a pair of maternity jeans), Proenza Schouler PS1 bag.

TUMMY TIME (30 weeks)

Please excuse the shameless mirror pic taken in the department store. I still dont have a full length mirror here and as much as I would like to say my husband LOVES taking outfit pics of me ….that just isnt the case 😉 Kudos to those bloggers who get all dolled up and take it to the streets multiple times a week for a professional photo shoot!

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  1. i love my all saints jacket, it looks very similar to yours! (doing a post soon). i can`t get over how great your maternity looks are!

  2. i love the coat – All Saints stuff is great! my bf also is not particulary a lover of taking outfit pics 🙂 sometimes he is ok, but sometimes quite the opposite :)you look such a beautiful mama! the time is coming closer – do you fel anxious about the new experience to come? xo

  3. I am obsessed with that jacket and have wanted something like that for so long! You look amazing!! I'm so happy for you and your new family!
    xoxo Debby

  4. You are stunningggg! Oh geez, I couldnt pay my boyfriend enough to go in the streets and take pictures of me, I'm lucky if he's nice enough to take one in my own apartment! Haha!

    <3 Monica

  5. hahahahah I would love to have a full time photographer to shoot on the street 😛
    I do what I can at home with a tripod.
    you look great Andee, I love your style, pregnant or not, you have that special thing that makes heads turn 🙂
    Kisses honey.

  6. You're GORGEOUS!!! I'm definitely pulling preggo clothing ideas from you! You always look so lovely and put together. Do you know the style num for your jeans? I have to have them too!
    Keep up the great posting!

  7. Please,please keep posting all your pregnant outfits!! I adore you and think you are so gorgeous! I just found out I am having my second baby and love your style and pregnancy style! Thanks for the great inspiration.. maybe more healthy meals too!!:)

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