Leather Shorts & Ankle Straps

Happy Friday ladies! Heres a look with those oversized leather shorts I posted on a couple weeks ago. I’m not really a shorts girl but  I LOVE this trend and find its a fun flirty way to switch up your standard cut offs! 
Zara leather shorts, F21 oversized sweater, Nine West leather clutch and L.A.M.B ankle straps

On another note some of my lovely blogger friends have informed me that Google Reader will be shutting down. I’ve added a Bloglovin’ button at the top right of my blog so you ladies can follow me there!

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  1. Lovely! Can you please do some Zara picks? I love when you do your Forever 21 posts, and would love to see what you would pick from Zara 🙂

  2. my dear, you look AMAZING in those shorts…i would love to be able to wear cute stuff like that this spring!! keep on shopping for the both of us please 😉

  3. Love this! I'm not a shorts girl either but these are so cute! Looks amazing on you!! What size did u get in the shorts if u don't mind me asking? Just so cute I must have em! ��

  4. I'm loving the shoes, Andee! I'm not a shorts girl either, but you should be! Might as well show off the gams while there's still time left! haha Love your outfits of the day/night. <3

  5. Love your blog! Can you tell me what size you Cartier Love. Becelet is? Is that also a Cartier Roadster watch that you have? Love love love you style.

    1. thanks so much! It is a roadster and as for the size of my love bracelet that is a very good question…ive had it for 5 years and know at one point i switched it out for a smaller size.

  6. Oops I forgot to clarify, the leather shorts at zara, one is 59 and the other is under the trf section for 35, so I am wondering which ones you have on. You make the baggy shorts look sooo cute!

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