High Waist Denim

I am really digging all the 70’s inspired style right now! I scored these high waist jeans from H&M for $50 a couple weeks ago and love them!!!

(Zara blouse, H&M jeans, Sam Edleman espadrilles, Vintage cocktail ring and Jimmy Choo bag)

How about you ladies are you into the high waist look?!

Here are some of my current favorite styles…

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  1. Those high waisted jeans look great on you and good job on the price. ^^ I don't think I can pull them off without some high high heels.

  2. I'm loving this look right now too! Your H&M jeans are adorable. The Philosophy Microdelivery peel works well on sensitive skin too. I'd say just don't scrub very hard the first time to get a feel for how it works (if you try it).

  3. You look wonderful! I have yet to delve into the 70's inspired jeans, mainly because I am a creature of habit and I like the way I look best in skinnies. But I may have to hit up H&M!

  4. love your style. love your header. So happy I found your blog. I'm a new follower, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over a month ago. It's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. Stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news and check out pictures from the fall/winter preview I attended yesterday in Beverly Hills. xoxo. Would love your support. xoxo


  5. Love the high waisted pants! I was wondering, can you do a post on your favorite blogs or create a blog roll on the side of your blog? Just curious to see which blogs you read most.. that is of course if you do read other blogs! 🙂

  6. I cannot get enough of the 70's inspired look! I saw those jeans and wasn't sure how they were going to look but now I definitely need to try them on! xo

  7. love the look….looks amazing on you! I feel silly wearing it though…at 5' 1" I feel like it takes of the majority of my body! However I would totally wear that blouse! LOVES IT! xoxo

  8. I just discovered your blog today and am digging everything I see! ps, I have this same blouse and have worn it with my high-waisted jeans, it makes such a fun outfit!

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