Half Turban Trend

This week I tried out the half turban trend. While I ADORE this look on many girls it was just one of those looks that I felt “wasn’t me”. Even though my girlfriend loved it, I feel like you have to be comfortable in what you wear. So how about you ladies are you in the turban or half turban trend?!

It was fun for the day but i’ll leave this look for the hipsters xo

(Makeup: Armani Silk foundation, Mulch eyeshadow and Chocolate Brown pigment by Mac, Unbasic White Mac shadow in the inner corners, Black NYX eyeliner in the waterline, Oak lipliner with freckle tone Mac lipstick and Victoria Secret Lip Gloss.)

(Forever21 jumpsuit and Nastygal.com half turban)

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  1. I think you are too polished and "clean" to pull this off– BUT it looks great on you despite that – and maybe if it was a different color you'd like it better!? I think it would look great with a more laid back look- maybe for the beach or something!! I think it falls into the grunge category so maybe a few days of not washing your hair would also look more authentic?? Lol. You're so beautiful that it it will work regardless!! Notice in those pictures these girls don't look entirely groomed…maybe that's the trick. June Ambrose is my turban inspiration as she manages to take a hipster look and transform it into something wearable and chic!

  2. thanks girls! it was fun for the day but just not something i see myself wearing often. @ Jessica i think your right. Its def not a "polished" style. @Veggiegirl thanks liz! @makeupartistjessicariveria im going to have to put Rickys in my miami notes 😉 xoxo

  3. Andee you're so gorgeous! You can pull off any look anytime! I'm loving the waves in your hair. Is it natural or you do something to it? Btw how do you like the Armani silk foundation? I recently purchased chanel vitalumiere aqua and it's nice but now I'm curious about armani since one of my girlfriends uses everyday and looks amazing on her!

  4. you look gorgeous, but i understand what you mean – i wore it once and didn't feel it's really me (or maybe i'm just not used to it?).Having said that, i'm going to give it another go – it's looking really beautiful on you 😉 x

  5. I love it on you- maybe the color wasn't right- perhaps a darker shade to compliment your hair? anyways I realize I can only do said turban when my hair is straight- which is never, since I refuse to do it on a daily basis 🙂

    xo Carlina

  6. You look gorgeous in it! I personally love the trend (even though my boyfriend says I look like a pirate!) . I love your make up too you should think about making a youtube accounts so you can do tutorials 🙂

    xx Vanessa

  7. You would look gorgeous wearing a paper bag but I do not think this looks like "you", or should I say, "your style". Looks a little off. You seriously do look amazing in anything though lol

  8. Ya, I agree your style is much more polished whereas this looks great on very boho girls or like you said, hipsters. It looks awesome on the Olsen twin though! Thanks for sharing even though you didn't personally like the trend on yourself!

  9. @Venice thanks so much love! Im going to do a hair post next week!! I do like the armani silk foundation! I just finished it though and would re buy but I want to try another brand. There are so many foundations out there that i feel like i should try something different. The coverage of Armani Silk is very full. I even thin mine out with an illuminating moisturizer and its still definitely FULL coverage!

  10. Miss Andee you look absolutely beautiful! They take confidence to pull off and you have plenty of that! It may just take another time or two wearing it to feel more comfortable. Regardless, I'm glad you know yourself well enough to decide what trends work and don't work for you. Can't wait for you to move to the MIA! Hope you're doing well doll. Lots of love! XoXo

  11. I think you look great in anything, but I even feel too hipster in my wayfarers so I totally understand what you mean lol…p.s. I have been putting spinach at the bottom of all my pasta dishes and I love how it's been helping me cut cals!

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