Fall Must: Cozy Cardigans

Cozy cardigans are a must have for your Fall wardrobe. Just looking at these makes me want to take a trip to a cabin in the mountains!

Here’s Erin Wasson wearing the trend perfectly. Love the hat and cuff with it!

Im loving the lively colors on this version by Marc Jacobs. Its $358 and available at shopbop.com

Here’s an affordable version from Forever21.com

Another cheap chic option is this one I saw at Target earlier this week. Think it was around $25.

I would wear these cardigans with leggings and layer them with over the knee socks and flat boots for day time.

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  1. Erin looks lovely, I want a hat like that. I would love to wear these, I really want to wear something like this, but where I live it doesn't even get that cold, so that's a no go for me. I need like super thin cardis.



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