Fall Boots

I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your kind wishes and advice on our new little addition!! It really means so much to me and I LOVE hearing your thoughts and advice! On a side note this post makes me so happy…..BOOTS! I think you ladies are craving Fall just as much as I am! Here are few styles to help us get a jump start on Fall….

*Click on the set for more details

Ankle, over the knee, flat, wedge and motorcycle…doesn’t matter just BRING ON THE BOOTS! 😉

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  1. I love love love Autumn! Boots, Cosy jumpers and layers! I have started buying my boots already! it's due to snow in October this year here… Earlier than last war and meant to be colder… It dropped to -20•C last year… Boots didn't even help! Haha x

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