This cross body bag was another item I checked off my Fall Lust List! I purchased this suede bag from H&M for $59.95. I LOVE the color (it seriously goes with everything) and how it just molds to your body! It will be such a nice change to have a small bag while running around!
H&M bag, James Perse top, 7 for all mankind distressed denim, and low luv cuff

The bag is pretty, but I like your hair more. So silky and dark.
Cute bag! I've been thinking of purchasing a cross body for a while now but I can't decide if it's worth it to purchase a designer one or one from H&M, Zara etc… any advice?
@Venice I think cross body bags are great but for me I think it will be a trend I will wear over the next year…vs. wearing one for years! For me there are many things i would rather spend my $$ on. If you are loving this trend and think you will wear it for Years to come my ultimate across the body bag is the PS1 by Prozena Schouler. ( i did a post on it over a month ago…just type that name in my search box @ top of my blog) Its a GORGEOUS bag but is around $1600! Rebecca Minkoff has some pretty amazing ones as well that are more affordable between $200 and $300.
i love crossbody bags! ur freaking beautiful! i tell u dis all the time imma stop now ..thanx lol
I love your cross-body bag! Like you, I was really just wanting something easy that I can throw on while running errands around town or shopping. So much easier to tote than a huge bag!
I saw a Michael Kors one at Marie-Claire but I think I'm loving yours more!
I was so thrilled when I saw you visit my blog, thank you for leaving a comment. Your blog is beautiful, as you are!
You look gorgeous! Love your hair! I have been so in love with crossbody bags lately, gonna try to get one soon! Your's looks so cute!
haha love the bag Andee!
Great bag!
great buy! love cross body bags. There is one from Coach that I'm currently obsessing about. xoxo
What a simple yet beautiful look! Flawless as always
@Jessica Yes this is seriously a nice change from lugging around my 15lb bags! hah @20 York street you are so welcome! I love exploring and finding new blogs! @hilary oh i havent seen the coach one yet!! @shaglam thanks lovely!
I love cross-body bags! They're so convenient. You are gorgeous, lady!
Thank you Emily xo