Black Friday Deals!

Hi lovlies I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving! Wer’e back here on the East Coast and soaking up every minute of  over eating, chilly weather and family chaos! It’s been a busy couple of days but had to put together a quick Black Friday post because the sales are too good right now!!

You ladies know i’m a Shopbop junkie so here are some of my favorites I own along with some goodies i’m loving…

Beanies, jackets, my favorite sunnies and over the knee boots all on SALE at Shopbop right now!

Use Code Word “GOBIG14″ for…
15% off orders over $250, 20% off orders over $500 and 25% off orders over $1000
(Offer Valid through Dec.1)

and probably my favorite sale right now….Gap is having 50% OFF until Midnight! Say what?! I can’t remember the last time they had 50% off. I have been waiting to stock up on newborn essentials and usually the newborn items are excluded from their normal promos but not this time!! I purchased tons of basics for our little man! Here are some of my favorites for newborns and toddlers…..

and lastly some AMAZING outerwear from MANGO! Use code word “5BLACK2″ for 30% off everything until Nov.30

How about you ladies… did you get in on the Black Friday Madness?!

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