Beauty & Essex NYC

Ok so I have one more NYC post after this one but had to devote this entire post to my favorite spot of the trip…Beauty & Essex (brought to you by Staton Social team). If you are going to be in the city I HIGHLY recommend making a reso at this spot!

The entrance is literally a pawn shop! You walk to the back and tell the bouncer your name and he will let you through a door that takes you into a 3 story gorgeous restaurant and bar!

Who would have thought this stunning place would have been in the back of a pawn shop?!!!

The energy was high and decor was gorgeous! I had the most amazing cocktail…TheEmerald Gimlet (ketel 1, basil, lemon nectar, fresh lime juice). If your into sweets, the desserts there were out of control!!! I recommend the “Box of Doughnuts” and “Devils Food Layer cake”!

You have to take a trip to the ladies room (I know its an odd request) But they have a full on lounge and free champagne bar in there!!

Snagging some free bubbly! (American Apparel velvet long sleeve mini and All Saints Box clutch)

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  1. thanks ladies! I seriously loved this place!
    @Helena so jealous you are going this week! Wish I could be back there already!
    @anonymous you just have to make a reservation. Think you can even do it on

  2. You're right! This place looks even better than Little Branch. Look at that chandelier! I could probably pass out on one those couches in the ladies room and be very content with my night 🙂

  3. Wow i love that dress on you,totally gorgeous! What shade lipstick are you wearing? i've been looking for a color like that for a while now…

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