Almost Halloween

Yeah its almost Halloween! Its my favorite holiday and I just love everything about it! Unfortunately this year we aren’t dressing up but that didn’t stop me from putting Louie in costume! Some of you may have seen this already on The Honeybee Facebook page but was to cute to not post here too….

Louie the Lion! She actually has two costumes this year (haha Poor thing). She probably cant wait for me to have baby bean so Ill be dressing the baby instead!

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  1. ha she's soo cute!! she's looking at you like, "momma, what are you doing?". I wish I could dress up my dog, but he refuses to move when I put him in clothes.


  2. Oh my god this looks soooooo cute.

    Have you ever heart about the toneitup diet? it is so similar to what u always post. the girls from that diet have a you tube channel

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